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Category: Blogs
Posted: 12-07-2011 14:57
Views: 2034
Today Novelties Direct send congratulations to the Beckhams on the arrival of their baby girl Harper Seven and we are wondering if the Beckham Boys have put up Baby Decorations to welcome home their sister. Please also let us know if you have been named or would name a baby after your favourite screen character.
Category: Blogs
Posted: 04-09-2014 09:56
Views: 2034
Spain's National Day is on October 12th and commemorates when Christopher Columbus set foot in the Americas. This is a day to spend with family and friends. A Spanish Themed Party is the perfect way to celebrate this occassion with the Spanish Flag flying. Spanish Themed Party Accessories are ideal for any Spanish Themed Event and we would love to know if you are celebrating Spain's National Day.
Category: Blogs
Posted: 19-07-2012 10:37
Views: 2033
Today we are looking at the history of the 1908 Olympics, the first to be held in Britain. This was held at White City after IItaly pulled out of hosting the Olympic Games due to the eruption of Vesuvius. It is interesting to see the differences and similaities between the Games. There was an Opening Ceremony but no Olympic Torch. Britain won 146 Medals in total awarded at one group ceremony. We would love to know if you are ready for the 2012 Olympic Games and which events you are looking forward to,
Category: Blogs
Posted: 08-12-2011 11:26
Views: 2030
With the sudden onset of cold weather it is a reminder that Christmas is just around the corner and we love to know if you have finished or only just begun your Christmas Shopping and whether or not you put up loads of Decorations at home or at your workplace. I have just about about got myself almost organised but still have more presents to buy. Please share with us any last minute Christmas Shopping stories you may have
Category: Blogs
Posted: 08-08-2011 11:13
Views: 2029
Seeing that Justin Bieber won 4 awards in the Teen Choice Awards we have been chatting about ours and our childrens Pop Idols and who they were. We would love to know who your teenage heart-throb was or is and how you embraced it, maybe you had posters on your walls or even belonged to a fan club. Please share your stories with us.