Dallas Is Back Tonight!!

Posted: 05-09-2012 13:37
Views: 2129
The conversation in the office this morning has been about the return of Dallas tonight. We have been remembering the characters and outfits of this classic Eighties series and particularly the various Cowboy Hats including Brown Flocked and Brown Felt Cowboy Hats. We are looking forward to seeing the continuing feuds between JR and Bobbys sons. Please let us know if you will be watching tonight and if you remember the name of the restaurant featured in the original series.
Its time to dust off those Cowboy Hats, Dallas is back tonight. As I am sure you can imagine the conversation in the office this morning has been about this iconic Eighties programme which ran from 1978 - 1991. We have been bouncing off each other remembering old characters and places. This new series still includes JR, Bobby and Sue Ellen. We are looking forward to seeing which type of Cowboy Hats they will be wearing, whether it will be Brown Flocked , Brown Felt or White Flocked . I am eager to see whether the feuds between JR and Bobby will now continue between their sons John Ross and Christopher... I am sure they will!!!
Will you be watching tonight? Also can you remember the name of the Restaurant where the original Dallas cast used to regularly eat? We are struggling to remember.