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Blogs Entries

Category: Blogs
Posted: 05-09-2012 13:37
Views: 2128
The conversation in the office this morning has been about the return of Dallas tonight. We have been remembering the characters and outfits of this classic Eighties series and particularly the various Cowboy Hats including Brown Flocked and Brown Felt Cowboy Hats. We are looking forward to seeing the continuing feuds between JR and Bobbys sons. Please let us know if you will be watching tonight and if you remember the name of the restaurant featured in the original series.

Category: Blogs
Posted: 04-09-2012 13:00
Views: 1446
Having finally got Paralympics Tickets, I went last night with my family to see the Athletics which was an amazing experience. There was a fantastic atmosphere with loads of people making an effort to get into the spirit of the event. They were dressed up in Union Jack Hats and Union Jack Glasses and there were so many Flags being worn and waved. We would love to know which Paralympic Events you have been to see and what your experiences have been.

Category: Blogs
Posted: 29-08-2012 13:01
Views: 1659
I am looking forward to The Opening Ceremony tonight of The Paralympics and even though I have not managed to get tickets I will be enjoying it with friends, cheering on the Paralympian Athletes. I still have mu Union Jack Flag flying and I will use Union Jack Decorations and Union jack Accessories to set the atmosphere. Please let us know if you are going to the Opening Ceremony tonight and what events you have tickets for.

Category: Blogs
Posted: 21-08-2012 13:01
Views: 2713
As the Olympics have come to an end we are now looking forward to the Paralympics which start on 29th August where we will continue to support and cheer the Athletes. I have not managed to get tickets yet but would love to know if you have and what events you are seeing. I have kept out my Union Jack Flag and Bunting will keep my Olympic Decorations up until the end of The Paralympics on 9th September.

Category: Blogs
Posted: 14-08-2012 14:34
Views: 2480
As the Olympics have drawn to a close I am now planning a get-together with friends with a Hawaiian Theme. With the weather hopefully on my side I will get everyone to wear either a Grass Skirt or a Fancy Dress Costume. I will embrace the theme and put up Hawaiian Decorations and use Disposable Tableware for the Barbeque. We would love to know if you are planning any social gatherings and what your Party Ideas are.