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Blogs Entries

Rugby World Cup
Rugby World Cup
Category: Blogs
Posted: 10-06-2015 13:07
Views: 2267

The Rugby World Cup begins on 18th September and concludes on 31st August with the Rugby World Cup Final. We have been looking at ways to enjoy the atmosphere of the rugby. If you are going to any matches waving Hand Held Flags and putting on face paint to cheer on your country is great fun. Rugby World Cup Flags and Bunting are defintely the way to go to show support and Rugby World Cup Flag Packs make ordering effortless. A Rugby World Cup Theme is a popular idea for a party and there are loads of hats, wigs and masks to choose from. We would love to know if you are hosting a match and what your plans are. 

Bastille Day Party
Bastille Day Party
Category: Blogs
Posted: 04-06-2015 13:31
Views: 3473

Bastille Day is on 14th July and commemorates the storming of the Bastille in 1789. There are many ways to celebrate this French Public Holiday which include a  French Themed Party or Picnic. French Decorations are a perfect addition to any Bastille Day Party as are French Flags which can be hung and Hand Held French Flags can be used to wave or as decorations. French Decoration Packs are perfect for restaurants and bars and always create an impression. We would love to hear from you as to how you will be enjoying Bastille Day.

American Independence Day Party
American Independence Day Party
Category: Blogs
Posted: 21-05-2015 10:29
Views: 2058

American Independendence Day or Fourth of July as it is also known is on 4th July and is a big holiday in America but celebrated wherever you are and this a perfect themed party. We are looking at different ways to enjoy this day with family and friends. Using American Independence Day Party Decorations adds to the mood of the day as do Stars and Stripes Decorations and USA Flags. Picnics, barbecues and parades are popular ways to spend the day and waving USA Hand Waving Flags and wearing a Fourth of July Personalised Sash adds to the atmosphere. We would love to hear from you as to  how you are going to make the most of the festivities.

Eurovision Song Contest Party
Eurovision Song Contest Party
Category: Blogs
Posted: 19-05-2015 09:12
Views: 2290

The Eurovision Song Contest takes place this Saturday, 23rd May in Vienna in Austria. The Eurovision song Contest is 60 year classic, this year being the 60th anniversary. It is always fun to watch the Eurovision with friends whilst cheering on your country with Flags, Bunting and Country Themed Decorations. We would love to know where you will be watching and who you favourite entries have been.

Wimbledon Themed Party
Wimbledon Themed Party
Category: Blogs
Posted: 07-05-2015 10:12
Views: 2607

Wimbledon Tennis Tournament takes place from June 29th-July 12th. We have been looking at ways to enjoy this tournament having Wimbledon Themed Parties. This is by using Flags and Bunting as well as Green and Purple Balloons and Themed Hats. A Wimbledon Party is a great way to have a get-together with friends and Wimbledon Themed Party Stuff is perfect to set the scene. We would love to know if you planning a Wimbledon Themed Event.

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