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Home :: Party Themes :: Wild West :: Decorations :: Western Sign Cut Outs (4 in a pack)

Western Sign Cut Outs (4 in a pack)

Western Sign Cut Outs (4 in a pack)
SKU SKU49577
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10+ Items £4.01
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Western Sign Cut Outs (4 in a pack). These are great for recreating the Old West for your event! Each pack of cutouts contains four (4) cardstock signs, each side printed with a different sign design giving you eight (8) possible sign uses. Signs include Stagecoach, Hot Bath, Jail, Bank, Dance Hall, Blacksmith, Hitching Post and Telegraph Office. You could use these Western Sign Cutouts simply to decorate or use as part of a scavenger hunt to keep the kids entertained.

Western Sign Cut Outs (4 in a pack). These are great for recreating the Old West for your event! Each pack of cutouts contains four (4) cardstock signs, each side printed with a different sign design giving you eight (8) possible sign uses. Signs include Stagecoach, Hot Bath, Jail, Bank, Dance Hall, Blacksmith, Hitching Post and Telegraph Office. You could use these Western Sign Cutouts simply to decorate or use as part of a scavenger hunt to keep the kids entertained.

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