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Home :: Country Themes :: Great Britain :: Bunting and Flags :: Union Jack Bunting

Union Jack Bunting

Union Jack Bunting
SKU SKU126021
Shop Price: £3.60
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10+ Items £2.46
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Union Jack PVC Bunting, 4m with 11 flags, PVC Plastic.

The Flag of the United Kingdom, better known as "Union Jack" is the result of the overlapping of three different crosses: St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick respectively of England, Scotland and Ireland. The first example of Union Jack was made by James I in 1603.

This is a popular decoration for any Royal Event.

Union Jack PVC Bunting, 4m with 11 flags, PVC Plastic.

The Flag of the United Kingdom, better known as "Union Jack" is the result of the overlapping of three different crosses: St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick respectively of England, Scotland and Ireland. The first example of Union Jack was made by James I in 1603.

This is a popular decoration for any Royal Event.

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