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Superhero Stand-in

Superhero Stand-in
SKU SKU98596
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10+ Items£29.62
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Superhero Stand-in

Everyone wants to be a Superhero so why not let them have the opportunity?

All you have to do is simply put your head through the hole and you'll be

transformed and ridding the world of super villains in no time!

Easy to assemble.

Folds flat for storage and delivery.

Made of high-quality durable cardboard.

Lifesize Cardboard Cutout Height 183cm.

Material: Self-supporting Cardboard cutout.

There is No Free Delivery on Lifesize Cardboard Cutouts. Delivery Price on Cardboard Cutout is £7.45

Superhero Stand-in

Everyone wants to be a Superhero so why not let them have the opportunity?

All you have to do is simply put your head through the hole and you'll be

transformed and ridding the world of super villains in no time!

Easy to assemble.

Folds flat for storage and delivery.

Made of high-quality durable cardboard.

Lifesize Cardboard Cutout Height 183cm.

Material: Self-supporting Cardboard cutout.

There is No Free Delivery on Lifesize Cardboard Cutouts. Delivery Price on Cardboard Cutout is £7.45

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