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Home :: Party Supplies :: Cardboard Cutouts :: Royalty & Politicians :: Prince William and Kate Middleton Lifesize Cardboard Cutout

Prince William and Kate Middleton Lifesize Cardboard Cutout

Prince William and Kate Middleton Lifesize Cardboard Cutout
SKU SKU923381
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10+ Items £28.39
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Prince William and Kate Middleton Lifesize Cardboard Cutout

Prince William and Kate Middleton Lifesize Cardboard Cutout Material: Photo-quality cardboard cutout Approximately 180cm (6Ft) Tall Tall Prince William and Kate Middleton Lifesize Cardboard Cutout has a fold-out strut to the rear, which means its entirely self-supporting. It's very easy to erect will take less than 30 seconds to put them in there place.

Easy to assemble.

Folds flat for storage and delivery.

Made of high-quality durable cardboard.

Lifesize Cardboard Cutout Height 180cm.

Material: Self-supporting Cardboard cutout.

There is No Free Delivery on Lifesize Cardboard Cutouts. Delivery Price on Cardboard Cutout is £7.45

Prince William and Kate Middleton Lifesize Cardboard Cutout

Prince William and Kate Middleton Lifesize Cardboard Cutout Material: Photo-quality cardboard cutout Approximately 180cm (6Ft) Tall Tall Prince William and Kate Middleton Lifesize Cardboard Cutout has a fold-out strut to the rear, which means its entirely self-supporting. It's very easy to erect will take less than 30 seconds to put them in there place.

Easy to assemble.

Folds flat for storage and delivery.

Made of high-quality durable cardboard.

Lifesize Cardboard Cutout Height 180cm.

Material: Self-supporting Cardboard cutout.

There is No Free Delivery on Lifesize Cardboard Cutouts. Delivery Price on Cardboard Cutout is £7.45

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