Home :: Personalised Novelties & Gifts :: Pet Gift's :: Personalised Paw Print Brown Microfibre Pet Towel

Personalised Paw Print Brown Microfibre Pet Towel

Personalised Paw Print Brown Microfibre Pet Towel
SKU P0710K26
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Personalised Paw Print Brown Microfiber Pet Towel

Treat a pampered pooch to their very own towel with this Personalised Pet Brown Microfiber Towel.

This soft and luxurious big dog towel can be personalised with a name, up to 12 characters. The name entered will appear in the upper case.

Material: Microfiber

Ideal for pets.

Personalised Paw Print Brown Microfiber Pet Towel

Treat a pampered pooch to their very own towel with this Personalised Pet Brown Microfiber Towel.

This soft and luxurious big dog towel can be personalised with a name, up to 12 characters. The name entered will appear in the upper case.

Material: Microfiber

Ideal for pets.

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