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Japan Bunting 6m 20 Flag

Japan Bunting 6m 20 Flag
SKU SKU5864541
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10+ Items£9.59
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Japan Bunting 6m 20 Flag Polyester.

High quality Polyester Japan bunting for outdoor use.

High quality printed flags secured to a 9m length of sturdy white tape.

Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

Very durable. 20 Flags size 6" x 9" (152mm x 229mm) Overall length approx. 19.5' (6m) Content - 100% polyester

Japan Bunting 6m 20 Flag Polyester.

High quality Polyester Japan bunting for outdoor use.

High quality printed flags secured to a 9m length of sturdy white tape.

Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

Very durable. 20 Flags size 6" x 9" (152mm x 229mm) Overall length approx. 19.5' (6m) Content - 100% polyester

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