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The Anticipated School Prom

The Anticipated School Prom
Category: Blogs
Views: 1593

It is nearly time for The School Prom which is the culmination of months of solid revising and taking exams. This is such an exciting event for those finishing GCSE's and A Levels. A lot of the fun is also in the arrangements from choosing Venues, Decorations and Themes as well as outfits and who will be Prom King and Prom Queen. I never had a School Prom when I left school and would love to know if you did or if your children are going to their School Prom this year.

I can't believe its that time of year again....The School Prom!! After the stress and pressure of revision then GCSE's and A Levels is the much anticipated School Prom. There is a great deal to arrange in preparation for this big event from venue and Theme to Decorations and of course outfits and who to go with. Several proms are held in their school hall where Foil Slashed Curtains are put up and the hall is transformed into either a Hollywood Night, a Rock and Roll Party or a Casino. In the same way Nightclubs are also hired for this fabulous ocassion with a disco included where during the evening Glow In The Dark Necklaces and Bracelets are handed out and the Prom King and Prom Queen are chosen. When I left school there were no proms on this scale which would have been fantastic and a great memory to leave school with.

Did you have a School Prom? Are your children attending their School Prom this year?

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