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Home :: Novelties Direct Blog :: Blogs :: Television Remakes

Television Remakes

Television Remakes
Category: Blogs
Views: 2102

We are remembering our favourite Childhood Programmes after finding out about the new Smurfs Film being released in the summer and a new Flintstones Film being made for 2013. Please tell us about your favourite Childhood Programmes and what you would like to see brought back.

At the moment we are all reminiscing about our much loved childhood programmes. This discussion has started due to finding out that Smurfs are back in the summer with a new film ( my Neice and Nephew are already looking forward to seeing this dressed up as a Smurf and Smurfette) and there is a remake of the Flinstones with Fred and Wilma scheduled for 2013. These classic cartoons including Tom & Jerry and Scooby Doo bring back memories of watching after school and on Saturday mornings.

What remakes of childhood favourites have you enjoyed? What would you like to see make a comeback?

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