Royal Wedding Dilema

Posted: 14-04-2011 14:28
Views: 2944
Today I am asking for some suggestions how to plan The Royal Wedding Day. I have friends and family coming over to watch this great occasion and we will be having our own Royal Wedding celebrations but I have a dilema as what meals to serve at what times. I would love to know how you are planning your day.
The running order for the Royal Wedding has now been announced and this now gives me a dilema. What food do I serve my guests and at what time? I want to see every minute of this spectacular event surrounded by my Decorations and Life Size William and Kate Cutout (just to create more atmosphere). So, do I serve a brunch on my Royal Wedding Tableware during the ceremony and a celebratory tea later in the day or do I serve breakfast before the ceremony at 10:30 ao that we are ready to watch at 11:00 and then lunch at 1:45 after William and Kate have left the balcony followed by a later tea ?
Help!! Any suggestions? How are you planning your day?