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Home :: Novelties Direct Blog :: Blogs :: Novelties Direct Are Moving!!

Novelties Direct Are Moving!!

Novelties Direct Are Moving!!
Category: Blogs
Views: 5782

This week we are busy packing up our Offices and Warehouse with all of our Products as we are moving. This has led to lots of conversations about how at various times we have all moved house and how we organised ourselves and we love to know your experiences of moving either homes or offices and if you have any tips for us.

Our offices are full of activity today as we are relocating to new premises this week. We are now busy packing up our desks as well as our warehouse with all of our Party Supplies, Party Themes, Country Themes and Brand New Products . With bare walls and boxes piled up the conversation has turned very quickly to everyones experiences of moving home and how their move was organised in the most straight-forward way. Friends have even suggested that it would make it fun if we wore Novelty Hats or Fancy Dress on moving day!!!

What do you think? Have you moved home or office recently? Was it straight-forward? Please share your experiences with us and any tips that you may have.

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