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Home :: Novelties Direct Blog :: Blogs :: London Marathon 2012

London Marathon 2012

London Marathon 2012
Category: Blogs
Views: 1641

We would like to say well done to all the runners who participated in yesterdays London Marathon. It was a great Marathon to watch on a lovely sunny day. There were many people running in Fancy Dress Costumes which added to the atmosphere and there were also lots of Celebrities running. Please tell us if you ran in the Marathon yesterday and how you are feeling today.

Well done to all the runners who took part in yesterdays London Marathon. I was glued to the T.V. watching, The starting point was in Blackheath and the finishing line was 26 miles away in St. James'  Park. The London Marathon sees thousands of runners running through London to raise money for various charities. On a lovely sunny day London really looked like an exciting place to be. There were many Celebs running including Arg from TOWIE . Lots of runners were wearing Fancy Dress Costumes which looked great and added to the atmosphere. Princess Beatrice wore a Tutu and Legwarmers, there was also a Caveman, a Mankini 118 , and many Wills and Kate Masks .

Did you run in yesterdays marathon? How are you feeling today?

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