Harrrods Are Ready For The Jubilee, Are You?

Posted: 17-05-2012 12:32
Views: 40028
With Harrods showing their Jubilee Royal Windows which are for the moment red and gold framing 31 crowns, I have been thinking about how I am going to be Decorating my house. I won't be replacing my windows but i will be hanging Union Jack Flags from them and putting up Union Jack Bunting. A Life Size Cardboard Cutout of the Queen will also make an appearance as well as loads of Red, White and Blue Balloons. We would love to know how you are planning to decorate your house for the soon approaching Jubilee.
Yesterday Harrods Showed that they are now ready for the Jubilee. For the time being they have replaced their green and gold canopies with red and gold to frame 31 Crowns. Over 100 of their staff lined the streets to see the presentation of these windows where the National Anthem was sung and Red, White and Blue confetti filled the air. I will be Decorating my house for the Jubilee weekend but I wont be replacing my windows!!! I will though be hanging Flags out of the windows and putting up Bunting . A life size Cardboard Cutout of The Queen will be at the door to greet my friends who are joining us for a Royal Tea.
Will you be decorating your house for the Jubilee? Please share with us how you are planning to do this and dont forget to send us your Pics.