Fancy Dress Wedding.

Posted: 20-09-2012 08:55
Views: 1580
We have been chatting in the office today getting married in a Fancy Dress Costume. This has come about from reading an article about a couple who did just that. This creates a different Party Idea and a novel theme for a Wedding, particularly if your guests also Dress Up as Fancy Dress Couples. We would love to know if you had a Party with a difference.
I read an article today about a couple who decided to break slightly with tradition and dress up as The Flintstones for their Wedding. This is certainly a great way to create a different feel for your special day. Your guests could also become Fancy Dress Couples. I have been thinking of what Fancy Dress Ideas could work.....Where's Wally & Where's Wenda, Salt & Pepper, Las Vegas Elvis & Elvis Lady , Danny & Sandy and a T Bird and Pink Lady. It would then be fun to have your photograph taken as a Traditional Wedding Couple .
Do you have Fancy Dress Wedding suggestions? Did you have a wedding party with a difference? Please send us some pics, we would love to put them in our gallery.