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Euro 2012 Championship

Euro 2012 Championship
Category: Blogs
Views: 1735

With Euro 2012 fast approaching we have been looking at ways to cheer on your team with friends. The 2012 European Football Championships are taking place in Poland and Ukraine from 8th June - 4th July with 16 Nations taking part. There are so many ways to enjoy watching the Euro Championships with friends and to cheer on your team. Football and Country Decorations including Flags and Banners are put up in pubs, restaurants and homes and many supporters Dress Up in Wigs and Hats wearing Face Paint. We would love to know where you plan to watch this Football Tournament.

The 2012 European Football Championship also known as Euro 2012 is organised by UEFA. The tourmament is being held in Poland and the Ukraine from 8th June-4th July. The 16 Nations that are playing are Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, England,France,Germany Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland ,PortugalRepublic of Ireland, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Ukraine . A Football Tournament is always a good excuse to get together with friends, put up Decorations , Bunting, have Barbeques and even a few Drinks !!  These evenings spent cheering on your team with mates always creates a good atmosphere whether you are watching at home or in a pub or restaurant. I always enjoy seeing the spirit of supporters when they are wearing Hats, Wigs and Cape Flags.

Where will you be watching the footy? Will you be getting together with friends?

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