Embarrasing Dads

Posted: 10-06-2011 13:28
Views: 2084
Having read a funny article about an embarrasing dad waving his son off to school in various fancy dress costumes we have been talking about embarrasing dads and would love you to share any funny embarrasing dad stories.
After reading the very funny article about the dad in America who set out to embarass his 15 year old son by waving him off to school every morning in a different Fancy Dress Costume we have been talking about how embarrasing your dad can be and how you can embarrass your own child. Can you imagine meeting your friends in the morning with your dad dressed as Elvis, a Pirate or a Leprechaun? Its bad enough when your dad forgets your friends names or even talks to your friends!!!!
Have you got any embarrasing dad stories? Please share them with us we'd love to hear some funny stories.