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Home :: Novelties Direct Blog :: Blogs :: Billy Mitchell Carries The Olympic Torch Through Walford.

Billy Mitchell Carries The Olympic Torch Through Walford.

Billy Mitchell Carries The Olympic Torch Through Walford.
Category: Blogs
Views: 1994

Having watched Billy Mitchell carring the Olympic Torch through Albert Square last night we are now really in the mood for the 2012 Olympic Games. There was such a great spirit which was shown through seeing Flags being waved and Union Jack Hats being worn. Seeing Decorations and Bunting being put up to greet The Torch through many Towns creates a real community feel. We would love to know about your experiences with The Olmpic Torch whether you have run with it or seen it.

Seeing Billy Mitchell from EastEnders last night carring the Olympic Torch was a fun start to the final countdown of the 2012 Olympic Games. This certainly put a smile on my face and as a fan I was willing him on and it got me ready for a Summer Of Sport. What a great atmosphere there was in Albert Square seeing the Crowds Waving Flags and wearing Union Jack Hats . There is a real community spirit watching Bunting and Decorations being put up to greet the Olympic Torch. The Olympic Games is a pefect time to get together with friends to Barbeque , watch the Opening Ceremony and see top Athletes recieve their Medals.

Did you watch EastEnders last night? Have you been lucky enough to carry the Olympic Torch or to see it coming through your Town?

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