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Home :: Party Themes :: Mad Hatter Tea Party :: Alice In Wonderland Disposable Plates 7" **PINK ONLY **

Alice In Wonderland Disposable Plates 7" **PINK ONLY **

Alice In Wonderland Disposable Plates 7" **PINK ONLY **
SKU 58183
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Alice In Wonderland Plates 7"

8 Plates per pack, 4 x Pink & 4 x Lilac with Eat Me print

These plates are perfect for a Mad Hatter Tea Party or Alice in Wonderland themed event 

Alice In Wonderland Plates 7"

8 Plates per pack, 4 x Pink & 4 x Lilac with Eat Me print

These plates are perfect for a Mad Hatter Tea Party or Alice in Wonderland themed event 

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