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The Effects Of A Good Party!!

The Effects Of A Good Party!!
Category: Blogs
Views: 5190

Today I am suffering with sore feet and aching legs as a result of going to an amazing Party last night. The mood in the hall was incredible and seeing children and adults using Party Novelties was great. They enjoyed Flashing LED Headwear, Necklaces and Glow In The Dark Necklaces as well as shaking Maracas and looking cool in Jumbo Glasses. This all added to the fun. We would love to know if you partied at the weekend and how you are feeling today.

This morning I am feeling the effects of having gone to a fantastic party last night. My feet are sore (had to wear flat shoes today!) and I am in need of lots of coffee. The night was filled with good friends, good food and good music, the perfect combination. There were loads of Glow In The Dark and Flashing LED Novelties handed out which really added to the atmosphere. Both adults and children were wearing Flashing Star Ball Necklaces , Crazy Hair  and Punk Hair as well as Glow In The Dark Necklaces. As for the large Glasses, they looked hilarious.The hall was lit up, the children looked cute and the adults looked cool. The party was in full swing all night.

How was your weekend? Are you struggling to get yourself together today as a result?

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