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St. George's Day Celebrations

St. George's Day Celebrations
Category: Blogs
Views: 1859

St. George’s Day is 23rd April and we have been looking at various ways of marking this day from using St. George’s Day Decorations to decorate your office, bar or home to wearing a St. George’s Day Bowler Hat and painting your face Red and White. A St. George’s Day Party is the perfect way to recognise this day and putting up St. George’s Day Flags shows everyone where the festivities are taking place. We would love to hear about what you have planned for St. George’s Day.

 St. George's Day is on 23rd April. This is a National Day for England and the Feast Day of St. George.  In 1922 the Council of Oxford declared April 23rd to be St. George’s Day. In 1415 St. George’s Day became the National Feast Day and a holiday in England but after a union with Scotland at the end of the 18th Century this tradition faded and it is now no longer a holiday. There is a well known story of how St. George saved a Princess by coming off of his horse and slaying a dragon on foot. Long established customs are to fly the St. George Flag which is a red cross on a white background and to wear a red rose which is the National Flower in a lapel.

This is a day to celebrate all things England. Whether you are planning a party to celebrate St. George’s Day, enjoying the festivities in a pub or bar or marking the day at work we have lots of ways for you to add to the fun. A red and white theme is the place to start and St. George’s Bunting is ideal to put up anywhere to show what the party is all about as are Red and White Balloons which can be tied in bunches and can fill a room. St. George’s Day Flags are essential when theming a St. George’s Party and we have a selection of sizes to choose from to suit your need as well as Hand Waving Flags. No St. George’s Day would be complete without seeing those having fun with their face painted Red and White and their hair sprayed to match or wearing a Red and White Wig with a St. George’s Cape draped around them. If face painting is not for you, just wearing a St. George’s Day Sash or Glasses does the job acknowledes the day.

This is the time to start getting ready for St. George’s Day and thinking about how you will be celebrating. How are you celebrating this year? Will you like us be decorating your office? We would love to hear from you.

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