Rock Of Ages

Posted: 19-03-2013 10:20
Views: 2321
I went to see the show Rock Of Ages last week which was a real trip down memory lane. It is set in the 80's and is full of great Costmes, Rock Music and laughs. It left you feeling you wanted to get home and get out your Inflatable Guitar and Microphone and sing in front of the mirror. We would love to know if you have seen the show and what you thought.
Last week I went to see the musical Rock Of Ages. What a great show! Set in the Eighties the Costumes reflected that era, the Iconic Costumes including Lace and String Vests brought back many memories. For the most part the scene takes place in a club where a small town girl and a city boy( queue a song!) are trying to chase their dreams into becoming famous. This was also made into a film starring Tom Cruise and Russell Brand. There was a bit of everything in this show but mostly great Rock and a lot of laughs. It took you back to the days of Eighties Records, Microphones , Guitars and Rock Bands.
Have you seen the show or the film Rock Of Ages? Did you love it?