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Home :: Party Supplies :: Make Up, Hair Spray & Eyelashes :: Make Up :: Red Glitter Face & Body Gel

Red Glitter Face & Body Gel

Red Glitter Face & Body Gel
SKU SKU14465/R
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Red Glitter Face & Body
Cosmetically certified for use on the face and body.
These glitter gels apply smoothly to the skin, are quick drying and long-lasting.

They are perfect for festivals, clubbing, dancing events and fancy dress.

Key Features:

Glittering Face and Body Gel
Cosmetically Certified
Easily applied with finger or fine brush
Washes off with soap and water
Ideal for temporary glitter tattoos
How to Use:

Apply with fingers or a fine brush to the desired area of the face or body and allow to dry. Build up the layers, allowing each layer to dry before adding the next, if a more intense dazzle is required.

For glitter tattoos, whether free-hand or using a tattoo stencil, build up the layers with preferred colours.
Red Glitter Face & Body
Cosmetically certified for use on the face and body.
These glitter gels apply smoothly to the skin, are quick drying and long-lasting.

They are perfect for festivals, clubbing, dancing events and fancy dress.

Key Features:

Glittering Face and Body Gel
Cosmetically Certified
Easily applied with finger or fine brush
Washes off with soap and water
Ideal for temporary glitter tattoos
How to Use:

Apply with fingers or a fine brush to the desired area of the face or body and allow to dry. Build up the layers, allowing each layer to dry before adding the next, if a more intense dazzle is required.

For glitter tattoos, whether free-hand or using a tattoo stencil, build up the layers with preferred colours.

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