Prom Season Is Approaching!

Posted: 12-06-2013 15:27
Views: 1783
Now that exam time is ending thoughts are are headed towards Prom and the fun ahead. Getting organised for the party with Prom Queen and King Sashes, Crowns and Party Themes with Decorations just add to the excitement. Then of course there are outfits and limos to arrange. We would love to know how your Prom preparations are going whether you or your children are going.
It is now coming to the end of exam season and after a streesful few weeks it is exciting to have the Prom to look forward to. Starting from choosing a venue, music and food to the outfits and limos it is a hectic time. We have been really busy Personalising Sashes for Prom Queen and Prom King and sending out loads of Crowns. Having Decorations and a Theme such as Hollywood or Hawaiian adds to the feeling of the evening. Handing out Glasses , Glow In The Dark Light Sticks, Bracelets and Necklaces is a key part of the prom celebrations. A Prom is a very special event and one which leaves lasting memories of School Days .
Did you have a school prom? Are you attending or do have children going to a prom this year? Please let us know if the preparations are going well.