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Italy's Liberation Day

Italy's Liberation Day
Category: Blogs
Views: 2438

Italy's Liberation Day is on April 25th and is a national holiday in Italy.  Italian Restaurants will be using Italian Bunting and Flags for decorations and there will be many Italian themed parties taking place. With the World Cup also so close it is a good opportunity to get good use from all the Italian themed products. Please let us know if you are celebrating Italy's Liberation Day.

Italy's Liberation Day is on April 25th and is also known as the Anniversary Of The Resistance. Liberation Day in Italy is a national holiday and marks the end of the Second World War. In many Italian cities marches and parades take place. Italy is a such a beautiful country and a place that I have enjoyed visiting. Not only does it have stunning beaches it is also steeped in culture and tradition as well as of course delicious fresh pizzas, pasta and ice cream. Italian restaurants everywhere will be using Italian Decorations such as Garlands, Banners and Cutouts to celebrate this day.

Our Italian Football Range has now arrived which includes Football Bunting, Disposable Plates and Napkins. These add to our existing products and with the World Cup so near this is the ideal opportunity to take advantage of doubling up on your use of Italian themed items.

Have you enjoyed a holiday to Italy recently? Will you be having an Italian themed day?

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