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Home :: Party Themes :: Hen Night's :: Hen Accessories :: How Hard Can You Blow Willy Whistle On Cord

How Hard Can You Blow Willy Whistle On Cord

How Hard Can You Blow Willy Whistle On Cord
SKU SKU46330
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10+ Items £3.08
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How hard can you blow? This great hen night/ girlie birthday night out accessory will set you up for a fit of giggles. Why not try and see how loud you can go with this How hard can you blow Willy whistle! The whistle is attached to a cord.
How hard can you blow? This great hen night/ girlie birthday night out accessory will set you up for a fit of giggles. Why not try and see how loud you can go with this How hard can you blow Willy whistle! The whistle is attached to a cord.

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