Guy Fawkes Facts And Fun

Posted: 21-10-2013 13:46
Views: 10774
It will be soon be Guy Fawkes Night. On 5th November there will be public firework displays and many parties at home. We have been looking at some of the history of Guy Fawkes and the fun now surrounding the event. There are different Firework Party Packs and Glow In The Dark and Flashing LED items which always add to the atmosphere. We would love to know how you are spending Guy Fawkes Night this year.
Guy Fawkes is on 5th November. Guy Fawkes was also known as Guido Fawkes and was born on April 13th 1570. He was involved in the gunpowder plot of 1605. On 5th November he had planned to blow up King James and The Royal Family at the State Opening of Parliament but was caught and sent to The Tower Of London. November 5th is still the day that this event is remembered. Children often make dummies which they dress up, use masks for faces and put on show calling out the famous saying 'penny for the guy'. There are many Firework Displays all over the country as well as Parties taking place in homes everywhere. Firework Packs include favourites such as Rockets and Sparklers. No Firework Party would be complete without fun Flashing Items which are perfect to wear in the dark such as Headboppersand Rings. I always love going to firework displays, wrapping up warm and wearing the traditional Glow In The Dark Necklaces.
Are you going to a public firework display this year or having a firework party at home?