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Christmas Party

Christmas Party
Category: Blogs
Views: 4663

It may seem early to be thinking about Christmas but already our Corporate orders are flooding in. Companies have started thinking about their Christmas Party Products. We have loads of Christmas Streamers, Christmas Decorations and Christmas Party Hats to send out as well as Christmas Party Packs and Christmas Crackers to send out.  Christmas Office Parties are are now being arranged as well Christmas Parties in hotels, restaurants, bars and clubs. We would love to hear about where you are having your Office Party this year.

Christmas may still seem a while away but here at Novelties Direct it has already started. We are already busy with our Christmas corporate orders; we have already sent orders out as well taking new orders and already getting orders ready to be shipped. We have packed loads of Reindeer Antlers, Santa Hats and Stockings as well as bagging up Party Poppers. Christmas Crackers are always a must and a top seller for any Christmas Party and our customers are looking forward to receiving their bulk Christmas Crackers which are the perfect ice breaker at any Christmas Party. Choose from Gold, Silver or Red and Green, you can even have them branded.

This is now the time to start planning your Office Christmas Party and we have loads of Christmas Party Ideas to help you. Christmas Party Packs are perfect for office do’s and we have a huge range of fantastic packs to choose from which are available in different designs and amounts to suit any number of people attending. Whether you are having your party at a restaurant or venue or at work our popular packs include the Office Party Pack, the Christmas Decoration Pack and the Party Box which are individual boxes with a popper, streamer, blowout and rocket balloon. Branded Santa Hats are also a great idea and good fun to wear especially in bars, clubs, hotels and restaurants. Handing out Christmas Party Stuff such as Antler Glittered Christmas Glasses and Reindeer on a Band always add to the atmosphere as well as Shot Glasses on a beaded necklace which are all available in Christmas Accessories.

Ordering your Christmas Party Products now means not only are you organised but at a busy time of year you have one less thing to think about particularly if it is branded products that you are after. There is a next day delivery service available for any last minute decisions.

Where is your Office Party this year? We would love to know what you are planning.




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