Celebrations Continue Into 2013!

Posted: 08-01-2013 13:15
Views: 1964
Now that 2013 is here we dont want you to think that the Party Season is over as there is still loads to look forward to. January 25th is Burns Night and all things Scottish followed by Australia Day on the 26th January celebrating all things Australian with Bunting and Flags. Then there is of course the time for love on Valentines Day on the 14th February where you can spoil your loved one with Heart Candles and Decorations. We would love to know how you will be celebrating these events.
I am now back at work after a nice break and everyone here at Novelties Direct hope that you had a great New Year full of fun and Partying. You may be thinking that you are all partied out but there are still plenty of popular events coming up to look forward to. These start off with Burns Night which is on the 25th January and celebrates the poet Robert Burns and is a great opportunity to get out those Scottish Kilts. This is followed the next day 26th January with Australia Day so dont forget to dust off those Corkscrew Hats . February is then of course the time for love with Valentines Day on the 14th and therefore the time to impress and surprise your loved one with fantastic Decorations. It is always good to start the New Year being organised and planning ahead.
Will you be celebrating any of these events? Don't forget to let us know your party ideas.