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Home :: Party Supplies :: Glasses :: Wayfarer/Blues Brothers :: Blues Brothers Sunglasses Plain Black

Blues Brothers Sunglasses Plain Black

Blues Brothers Sunglasses Plain Black
SKU G209
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10+ Items £2.22
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Blues Brothers Sunglasses. Plain Black Blues Brothers Glasses with dark lenses. Look cool in these Great Value Shades and be a part of the Blues Brothers craze! Shake a tail feather and team up our Blues Brothers sunglasses with our popular Blues Brothers Hat - wear with a plain dark suit, white shirt and narrow tie for the complete Jake and Elwood look - or accessorise your fancy dress costume of choice, from gangster to sunseeker to Madness band member. Have fun!

Blues Brothers Sunglasses. Plain Black Blues Brothers Glasses with dark lenses. Look cool in these Great Value Shades and be a part of the Blues Brothers craze! Shake a tail feather and team up our Blues Brothers sunglasses with our popular Blues Brothers Hat - wear with a plain dark suit, white shirt and narrow tie for the complete Jake and Elwood look - or accessorise your fancy dress costume of choice, from gangster to sunseeker to Madness band member. Have fun!

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Customer Reviews

  • Author: Benny C
    I bought it here, but i'm little bit angry bacause today i found it cheaper here:
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