Bastille Day Themed Party
Posted: 22-06-2017 11:46
Views: 1722
Bastille Day is on 14th July and is a National Holiday in France celebrating all things French. We have lots of Bastille Day Decorations for you to choose from including the French Flag and France Flag Bunting which is a must at a French Themed Party. French Accessories are great fun to wear for a Bastille Day Party and always look impressive. Please let us know how you will be celebrating Bastille Day this year.
Bastille Day on 14th July is the National Holiday of France. This day commemorates the storming of the Bastille in 1789. The Bastille was a fortress prison in Paris and there were only seven inmates during the storming. The Prison was destroyed within five months and there is now a monument on the site. The French now rejoice in all things representing France celebrating “liberty, equality, and fraternity.” A parade takes place in Paris every year which is a great opportunity to go along and show support waving a France Held Hand Flag. There are also many other public events as well as family picnics, dinners and get-togethers.
If you are not in France to celebrate Bastille Day we have all the Bastille Day party products you need to bring the atmosphere of France to you. If you are having a Bastille Day themed party we have fantastic Bastille Day decoration ideas, suitable for any venue, to get your party going and add to the mood. Typical French Decorations such as an Embossed Foil Fleur De Lis Silhoutte Cutout, French Street Signs and a large Eiffel Tower Cutout are popular choices. Flags are always a must for Bastille Day festivities, a France Flag is great to hang as a French Decoration and Table Flags add to the French Theme. Wearing characteristic accessories for a Bastille Day Party adds a real element of fun and a Frenchman Moustache, an Onion Garland and a Beret are perfect. A French Man Set is ideal to wear and a Hairy Headband in Red, White & Blue will get you noticed. With all of these Bastille Day Party Supplies you will have all you need to enjoy Bastille Day and impress your guests with the effort that you have made.
There is still time to get all of your French Bastille Day Party Novelties using our various delivery options including a next day delivery service for any last minute bits.
How will you be commemorating Bastille Day?