Home :: Party Supplies :: Tableware :: Adult Birthday :: Balloon Bright :: 50th Balloon Bright Birthday Party Napkins

50th Balloon Bright Birthday Party Napkins

50th Balloon Bright Birthday Party Napkins
SKU SKU29512
Quantity per unit16

  Shop Price: £4.85
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50th birthday napkins , 32.7 x 32.7 cm (13 x 13 inches) approx. The main design has the number 50.The background is a mixture of multicoloured streamers. (Qty per unit: 16)

50th birthday napkins , 32.7 x 32.7 cm (13 x 13 inches) approx. The main design has the number 50.The background is a mixture of multicoloured streamers. (Qty per unit: 16)

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