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4th July Celebrations

4th July Celebrations
Category: Blogs
Views: 4326

ay.This week we have been really busy preparing for American Independence Day on 4th July. There are celebrations including Barbeques and Picnics. The American Flag and Bunting is put up in homes and businesses and this also happens outside of America where American Decorations are displayed in restaurants and bars. Please let us know how you are celebrating American Independence Day.

American Independence Day is 4th July and is a patriotic holiday. This is when the Declaration of Independence was approved in 1776 and celebrates freedom and independence. Schools in America are closed and few people work, those that do often take a days leave in order to have a long weekend. There are many family events taking place which include parades, fireworks, Barbeques and Picnics and Flags , Bunting and Decorations such as Cutouts and Stringers are displayed in homes and buildings. American Independence Day is also celebrated outside of America with get-togethers and themed nights in restaurants and bars where staff wear USA Cowboy Hats and Headboppers creating a fun atmosphere.

Will you be doing anything special for American Independence Day?

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